Thursday’s TBR

Yay, my TBR pile is getting smaller 😁. I can’t remember if it was March or April when I last made a dent, so I’m long overdue.

I’m proud of myself for sticking to my ‘Dave Ramsey’ envelopes and not going crazy on prime day with book sales. I saved 100% by not buying anything 😂. If I’d remembered I would’ve budget for it, but maybe next year. I kept telling myself that my shelf is full with many books I haven’t read and honestly there’s no space for more unless I get a new shelf or give books away. As much as I desire a new shelf, I decided to give books away as I go reading them.

I’m sorry but Carrie Turansky won’t be one of my giveaways lol.

Across The Blue is one of the few novels I pre-ordered last year and I finally read it . After reviewing her June release, No Ocean Too Wide, I had to dig into this one. I can’t believe I waited so long.


It’s amazing and a finalist for the carol awards this year 💕!

As in all her historical novels, the characters grow in faith as she makes a spiritual element essential to the story.  There was much excitement with the plane building and air races it was hard not to catch the wind of excitement.  The romance aspect  left me swooning long after the last plane landed 💕. I rate this 5 💕.

So tell me, did you prime shop? Any TBR you’ve gotten to lately?


30 thoughts on “Thursday’s TBR

  1. Yes I took advantage of Prime day. I bought two books and got $5 off. One was a preorder and one was the debut novel of an author that I have the second book of hers. I don’t have a book budget but have won quite a few gift cards in the past few weeks.

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  2. I didn’t know you could use ‘prime day’ on pre-orders, I almost feel devastated!
    Gift card wins are the best, glad you used them wisely 💕 👐!


  3. Haven’t heard of this before. Do you normally do book reviews? If so, would you mind reviewing my book ZION, which is the first book in my Zion trilogy a sci-fi dystopian book trilogy that I have written and am getting published? Zion’s available on Kindle as an ebook here:

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  4. I am so very far behind on my TBR and on “popping” in to say hi on my favorite blogs (like yours!), that I don’t know if I’ll ever get caught up. Plus my TBR pile keeps getting higher and higher; I’m waiting for the day it topples. Hopefully no person, or animal, will be nearby when it does!!
    (Oh, this one’s still on my TBR, as is No Ocean Too Wide!)


  5. Haha, I hope there are no incidents when they topple over. No Ocean Too Wide is supreme, that should be at the top of the pile 🙂 Thank you for stopping by 💕

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